Daily Intruder

9:18 am at 9:18 am

>max the cat (neighbours)


peanut butter wolf said...

Really? The cat comes into your house everyday? What does it do in your house? so cute!

milky way said...

the cat loves to jump up on tables hence that photo! was going to take a photo of his face, but only managed his ass! haha, he always wait for doug to come home and comes in for a visit!

peanut butter wolf said...

Haha that cat must have fallen for Doug! Do you guys mind it going into your house?

milky way said...

no we love cats! but not ready to have one of our own yet, as no one is at home, it mite be lonely and will wreck the house!

peanut butter wolf said...

If you have your own cat, you can let it go into your neighbours' house when you guys are not at home! hahaha

milky way said...

just walk around and being nosy!